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Вакансии INTEL для студентов (стажировка)

Intel Corporation 29.04.2005 20:54
Нижегородский филиал компании Intel приглашает студентов технических специальностей (3, 4, 5 курс, магистрантов) и аспирантов к участию в конкурсе на замещение вакантных должностей стажеров. Знание английского языка на уровне не ниже технического является обязательным.

Резюме принимаются на английском языке. Для участия в конкурсе по вакансиям необходимо:
1. На сайте http://www.intel.ru/jobs зайти в раздел Вакансии
2. В поле "Job Requisition/Reference #" указать номер вакансии и нажать кнопку Search
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Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 469233
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be participating in development of advanced statistical tools in Intel Nizhny Novgorod R&D site. Your responsibilities will include design and implementation of algorithms under the direction of a supervisor, implementation of R* interface to an analytical engine, and testing of several software components. Qualifications: You must be a postgraduate student and possess a Master of Science degree in Mathematics or Physics with a background in Applied Statistics and experience in algorithm design and programming in C/C++. Knowledge of Matlab* or R* scripting language would be an added advantage.

Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 473824
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be responsible for performing regular testing of Intel® Threading Tools for Windows* and Linux*. You will also be participating in the support and development of new tests and in testing automation. Qualifications:- Good knowledge of modern software and operating systems - Programming knowledge on C/C++ and scripting languages, example: JScript*, Perl, and/or UNIX* shell - Fluency in English would be an added advantage

Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 473803
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be responsible for performing regular testing of Intel® Threading Tools for Windows* and Linux*. You will also be responsible for performing maintenance work in the laboratory and participating in the support and development of the testing infrastructure scripts and in testing automation. Qualifications: You must be a student or a post-graduate student currently pursuing a course of studies in a related field. Additional qualifications include:
- Good knowledge of modern software and operating systems - Programming knowledge on C/C++ and scripting languages, example: JScript*, Perl, and/or UNIX* shell - Fluency in English would be an added advantage

Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 475050
Responsibilities: Join U3D team in development S/W tools to support U3D data format of 3D graphics to show differentiation of Intel's platform. Job Description: Software Engineers conduct or participate in multidisciplinary research and collaborate with design, layout and/or hardware engineers in the design, development, and utilization of productivity enhancement layout tools and design rule checkers, electronic data processing systems software. Determines computer user needs, advises hardware designers on machine characteristics that affect software systems such as storage capacity, processing speed, and input/output requirements, designs and develops compilers and assemblers, utility programs, and operating systems. Responds to customer/client requests or events as they occur. Develops solutions to problems utilizing formal education, judgment and formal software process. Qualifications: You must be currently pursuing a course of studies in a relevant discipline

Posting Title: Intranet Support Intern
Job Requisition/Reference#: 474507
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be providing support for the Russia/CIS Intranet residing on the server based at Intel Nizhny Novgorod Lab. Your responsibilities will include: - Supporting existing functionality - Developing new applications that address business requirements - Designing and programming webpages - Working with stakeholders and/or customers to discuss project details. Qualifications: You must be a student currently pursuing a course of studies in a related discipline

Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 469796
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be responsible for the daily build support and build servers maintenance. Qualifications: You should possess a relevant qualification in Windows*/Linux* OSs as well as in hardware maintenance. You should also possess technical knowledge in development tools such as Microsoft* Visual Studio* (6.0/2002/2003), Intel® Compilers (Windows*/Linux*), MS SDK*, CVS*, VSS*, Ant*, Perl, nmake*, GNU* compiler tools (version 2.96 and above).

Posting Title: Undergrad Intern Technical
Job Requisition/Reference#: 470322
Responsibilities: In this position, you will be working with video codecs in DirectShow environment. You will be responsible for developing and testing DirectShow filters for video and audio codecs. Qualifications: You must be currently pursuing a course of studies in a relevant discipline with basic knowledge of COM and C/C++. Knowledge of DirectShow is desired.

Posting Title: Academic Relations Intern
Job Requisition/Reference #: 462595
Responsibilities: project-related duties in support of Academic Relations group in integrated program of cooperation with RAS and Universities in curriculum development, research and creating strategic hiring pipeline. Qualifications: You must be postgraduate student (preferably in computer science, math or physics department). - Excellent organizational and written/verbal communication skills - Ability to interact professionally and assertively with all levels. - Excellent written and spoken English and Russian - Proficiency in all applications of Microsoft* Office*; some research on business topics from the Internet - Experience with web publishing and database applications

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