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Клуб любителей английского языка Twins-town

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Colifichet  (рейтинг: 100) 23.01.2007 01:05
Colifichet - Клуб любителей английского языка Twins-townКлуб любителей английского языка TWINS-TOWN рад приветствовать Вас в стенах нашего городка! Если Вы любите «старую добрую» Англию и её язык, если хотите узнать что-то или чем-то поделиться, Вы на правильном пути – здесь всё это возможно! Смотрите – как много самых разных улочек в нашем городке… Здесь Вы познакомитесь с интересными людьми, найдете самые разнообразные материалы для изучения английского языка, сможете проверить свои знания... Выберите, по какой дорожке пойдёте Вы, а мы Вас проводим! Жми сюда:)
^  INESSA  [to: Colifichet] 30.01.2009 10:51

Я перевела аннотацию с русского на английский, проверьте, пожалуйста, ошибки:

На основе обзора работ западных и российских теоретиков, предлагается сравнительный анализ специфики изучения феномена гендерной стереотипизации в межличностных отношениях и в средствах массовой информации в рамках социологического и психологических подходов.
This article provides a critical review of Western and Russian theorists are invited to a comparative analysis of the specifics studying the phenomenon of gender stereotyping both, in interpersonal relations and mass media in sociological and psychological approaches.
^  amomalia8619  [to: Colifichet] 11.06.2010 19:38
Задание по английскому языку для СПО, 1 курс
The United States of America.

1. The Constitution of the USA, the oldest still in force in the world, has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the ” supreme law of the land”. All governments and governmental groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines. The ultimate power under the Constitution isn’t given to the President (the executive branch), or to the Congress (the legislative branch), or to the Supreme Court (the judicial branch). Nor does it rest, as in many other countries, with a political group or party. It belongs to “WE the People”, in fact and in spirit.
2. In this way, Americans first took for themselves the liberties and rights that elsewhere were the privileges of an elite few. Americans would manage their own affairs in their own interests. They would elect their own representatives and make their own law, and, of course, they would make their own mistakes.
3. They stated in the first ten Constitutional Amendments, known together as the Bill of Rights, what they considered to be the fundamental rights of any American. Among these rights are the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the government to correct wrongs. Other rights guarded the citizens against unreasonable searches, arrests, and seizures of property, and established a system of justice guaranteeing orderly legal procedures. This included the right of trial by jury, that is, being judged by one’s fellow citizens.
4. The great pride Americans have in their Constitutions, their almost religious respect for it, comes from the knowledge that these ideals, freedoms, and rights were not given to them by a small ruling class. Rather, they are seen as the natural “unalienable” rights of every American, which had been fought for and won. They cannot be taken away by any government, court, official or law.
5. The federal and state governments formed under the Constitution, therefore, were designed to serve the people and to carry out their majority wishes. One thing they didn’t want their government to do is to rule them.
6. Americans expect their governments to serve them and tend to think of politicians and governmental officials as their servants. This attitude remains very strong Americans today.

Задание к тексту.

1. Письменный перевод текста.
2. Выпишите из абзацев 5,6 предложения с инфинитивным оборотом «Сложное дополнение».
3. Прочитайте еще раз текст. Перепишите и закончите следующие предложения.
А) The Constitution has been….
b) The ultimate power under the Constitution of the USA….
c) Americans first took for themselves….
d) Americans didn’t want……
e) Americans expect……

4. Напишите ответы на следующие вопросы.
А)Why has the Constitution of the USA been repeatedly amended?
б) Who does the ultimate power under the Constitution of the USA belong to?
в)What is the Bill of Rights?
г)Why do Americans have the great pride in their Constitution?
д)What attitude among Americans today remains very strong and why?

5. Составить все возможные вопросы к следующему предложению:
This attitude remains very strong Americans today.
This attitude remains very strong Americans today.
All governments and governmental groups, federal, state and local, must operate within its guidelines.
They stated in the first ten Constitutional amendments, known together as the Bill of Rights.

^  Люська  [to: amomalia8619] 03.10.2011 23:09
Здравствуйте!!! если есть возможность,киньте пожалуйста ответы на эти задания...очень надо!! заранее спасибо!!!
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^  петрушина светлана александровна  (рейтинг: 10) [to: Colifichet] 21.05.2013 15:32
Здравствуйте , если можно скиньте мне тоже задания на эти ответы очень сильно надо

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