Robinson Active Travel
Robinson Active Travel


Robinson Active Travel  |  Tours - 2006

We are 27!

For 27 years we've been successfully organizing weekend rafting and biking trips in Nizhny Novgorod region, cycling tours through Russia's "Golden Ring" and trekking in the Polar Urals, Baikal and Fan mountains.

  • Uzbekistan
    14 day tour along the Silk Road in Uzbekistan - detailed description

    14 days, bus + train, Tashkent – Samarkand – Shahkrizabz – Yurtas (in the desert) – Bukhara – Khiva, april, may, june; august-october, price: 1100 $, group: 10 persons.
  • Paddling along Kerzenets
    Spend a fortnight paddling along one of the most beautiful small Russian rivers - Kerzenets. July 1-14 and 12 - 26. 600 EU
  • Through Russia's Golden Ring by bicycle
    14 days, 880 EU with support van, 780 EU without support van, August 1-14. Min. group - 2 persons.

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