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Анекдоты & истории  |  Toilet graffiti

Toilet graffiti - 01

Here I lie in stinky vapor,
Because some bastard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie, or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.

Toilet graffiti - 02

I came here
To shit and stink,
But all I do
Is sit and think.

Toilet graffiti - 03

Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to shit and stink,
But I come here to scratch my balls,
And read the bullshit on the walls.

Toilet graffiti - 04

(Written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line,...
the Hillsboro Fire Department want's you.

Toilet graffiti - 05

(Sign posted in a bathroom)
We aim to please!
You aim too! Please!

Toilet graffiti - 06

(Seen above a urinal)
Please do not throw cigarette butts in our urinal.
We don't piss in your ashtrays!

Toilet graffiti - 07

Scratched into the paint of the condom-dispensing machine were
these words: "Don't buy this gum, it tastes like rubber."

Toilet graffiti - 08

(On the inside of a toilet door)
Patrons are requested to remain seated
throughout the entire performance

Toilet graffiti - 09

"$1.49 - All You Can Eat" (with an arrow pointing down into the

Toilet graffiti - 10

(A sign I saw at a swimming pool once)
We don't swim in your toilet, so please don't pee in our pool!

Toilet graffiti - 11

 (Another sign seen at a swimming pool)
Welcome to our ool. Notice there's no P in it.
Please keep it that way.

Toilet graffiti - 12

(In the men's room at a Burger King restaurant)
It takes the human body about 24 hours to turn good food into shit.
It only takes Burger King 10 minutes.

Toilet graffiti - 13

(Sign seen at a restaurant)
The hands that clean these toilets also make your
food......... please aim properly.

Toilet graffiti - 14

(Here's one seen above a urinal)
 look up
 look up
 [even higher on the wall]
 keep looking up
 [on the ceiling]
Quick! Look down! You're pissing on your shoes!

Toilet graffiti - 15

(Written above a urinal)
Why are you looking up here ? Are you ashamed of it?

Toilet graffiti - 16

Some people come here
to take a shit, I come here to leave one.

Toilet graffiti - 17

Here I sit so broken hearted
Tried to shit but only farted
how much longer must I linger
before I have to use my finger

Toilet graffiti - 18

Those who write on shithouse walls,
Roll their shit in little balls,
Those who read these lines of wit,
Eat those little balls of shit.


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